It snowed a little a few times while Janice and I were in Chinatown for the Chinese New Year festivities, but it came down more with the effect of light confetti. We were pleased to no end then, of course. Later on, we went to a movie (Revolution Street). The snow had persisted until then, creating a fine layer over everything. We took some pictures on the way to the cinema, enjoying the apparent winter wonderland. When Janice and I exited later, we entered something twenty times more impressive. And we weren’t the only ones… Lots of others were standing in the middle of the white streets, taking pictures, throwing snowballs, and generally having a grand ol’ time. A dozen or so Italian students were having a snowball fight and singing loudly outside the hostels, on the street below our bedroom window. It went on till almost 3 AM.
I’ve taken over 900 photos today, and saved over 40 new Photoshop edits. I’ve made a couple videos on my cell phone, too. But no matter how I try to fix the image, the reality just won’t permeate. It looks so much like a dream outside. I’d hoped to go to bed at an early hour so that I could go out for pictures in the morning, but I’ve just been too excited by it all. I’m almost afraid to go to sleep lest I wake to find it all gone. I’ve set my alarm for mid-morning; hopefully I’ll feel inclined to roll out of bed after all.

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