Janice didn’t make it all the way to the Brompton Cemetery with Agneta and I; she made it only as far as Cromwell Road before the cold got to her. I was the only one with good rain boots, so wet feet became an ongoing issue for the both of them, though Agneta was kind enough to accompany me for the rest of the day (despite later complaints).

After the Cemetery, we went to the big Tesco’s near Earl’s Court to buy a few sweets and have a leisurely chat with hot chocolate, tea and the aforementioned goodies in the Costa Coffee café upstairs.
Back at the flat, I actually felt a little stiff from the long trudge, and I was quite anxious to shed all the layers heaped upon me. They did their job formidably out in the snow, but back inside, it was all a bit much.
The rest of the evening, I got a few minutes in at the nearest internet café, passed the rest of the time paid for to Agneta, and went back to spend the rest of my evening editing the photos of the day.

Looking out the window now, last night’s glorious wonderland has largely deteriorated into brown slush and foot/vehicle tracks. Much of it has melted and fresh snow must have stopped falling some time in the early evening. I must have seen a few dozen snowmen today, in all sorts of varieties – huge, teeny, carrot-nosed, rabbit-eared, on top of doorsteps, stone railings, gravestones, etc. And snowballs were flying everywhere we went, from Hyde Park to Kensington and the Cemetery. Occasionally, we had to be vigilant for sneak attacks. Snow fever seems to have taken over London… most of the businesses were closed, schools were closed today (they’ll be closed tomorrow, too), and large chunks of public transport were closed off. Gatwick Airport announced its closure last night as well. If fresh snow fails to cover today’s remaining slush, I doubt the thrill will be quite the same, but I may go for a walk in what's left tomorrow anyway. It was nice to have gone out in the snow with friends today, but I’d like to try the same solitaire-style tomorrow.
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